Fun and Romantic Weddings

A Total Surprise Wedding For The Bride

Roger got to be part of a very cool surprise for an unsuspecting bride this last weekend.  You see Carlos and Anna have been married for 20 years and Carlos wanted to celebrate their love for one another by renewing their vows once again after two decades together……but he wanted to do it as a surprise for her on the beach.  So Carlos had set up the perfect plan.  He arranged it all thru the The Victorian, an amazing restaurant in Santa Monica and they would set up the chairs and such on the beach.  Now to get Anna there and surprise her…… And this is where the genius of the plan came into play…. You see Anna was going to be on the beach getting some pictures taken by a family friend (who was in on the surprise) and this family friend was “casually” going to walk her over to the area where Roger and all their friends and family would be waiting and surprise her with the wedding.  But they didn’t want her to notice the assembly of friends and family…. So the photographer friend had her walk backwards for probably a couple hundred feet and she never saw it until she was right on top of it !  It worked perfect and she was overwhelmed. A beautiful wedding !!  And Roger topped it off with an amazing ceremony.  It was a great day.   Roger told Carlos the only downside to this wonderful day was that Carlos set the bar really high for every married man out there !   Touche’ Carlos !

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