Fun and Romantic Weddings

Ceremony Add-Ins

Enhance your Wedding Ceremony with these Add-Ins

ceremony ad ins

Enhance your wedding Ceremony by choosing from these Add-Ins and make your Wedding POP

So you have chosen a cool ceremony and lets spice it up.

Below are some “FREE” cool ones to choose from. Check out the readings, unity ceremonies, cultural ceremonies and additional wedding vows.

Also below there are ways to incorporate your family and friends and your beliefs.

Using these and other wording you find on the web, your officiant can turn your ceremony into a piece of art.

Can’t find what you are looking for? Let’s create something NEW!

“They offer a ton of suggestions to craft the ceremony you want” Source: Kristi- WEDDING WIRE

Want to add your personal story to the ceremony? Upgrade your ceremony by filling out the questionnaire HERE

Also here is another resource Click here to check out these 50 pages of other ideas

sand ceremony

Blending colored sand together

mothers rose presintation

Honor the Moms in your Family


Exchange roses with each other

dove release

A Dove Release ceremony is an amazing to conclude your Ceremony

hand blessing

Join your hands together in love

wedding prayers

Add a nice religious touch to your ceremony.

wine box and love letter

It is a great way to create a time capsule with letters and wine

family sand ceremony

A ceremony to celebrate the blending of your two familes and your children

tea ceremony

An Asian tradition to honor Parents and Elders

earth blending ceremony

A very cool and earthy ceremony

wine ceremony

Celebrate some wine during your ceremony

vows 4

These are alternate Vows that can be used in your Ceremony

wedding vows 2

More Vows that can be used in your Ceremony


Added to the ceremony to make it beautiful

reading 2

Can be read by Friends or Family members at the Ceremony

cathy and sarah1

Add some fun Quotes to your Wedding Ceremony

hand binding

aka Hand Binding, An Ancient Celtic Tradition

lei exchange

Leis are to be placed over the head of each partner and or family such as kids or parents.

unity candle

Light the candles to join your sprits

butterfly release

Wording for Release of Butterflies

deal or no deal

Use an easy button from Staples or make your own

cord brading ceremony

Braid a set of cords binding you together

Invoking the Spirits of the North, South East and West

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