Fun and Romantic Weddings

Private Residence Provides For A Great Wedding Venue!

IMG_20150502_185310I had the pleasure of performing a wedding ceremony for Dave Reading and Debbie Simon on Saturday, May 2nd.

The wedding took place at a private residence in Moorpark, just outside the grounds of the Moorpark Country Club.

What made this wedding so special (besides Dave and Debbie being a great couple) was the house that it took place at. Although it was a private residence, it looked more like a 5-star wedding venue. The back yard was large and meticulously landscaped, complete with several pools, waterfalls and even a large pool house. 

The wedding took place on the pool house patio overlooking several pools and a large rock waterfall…….absolutely a stunning setting for a wedding, and by far, one of the nicest home weddings I have ever had the pleasure to perform.

I don't imagine the owner of the house would consider opening his property to the public, but if he did, Moorpark California could have a really nice new wedding venue.

Congratulations Dave and Debbie, and great choice on your venue!

Dr. Michael Woods

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