Fun and Romantic Weddings

The Lucky Ones Receive A Sign………..

roger-chris-liz4Roger had the honor of marrying Chris & Liz this last weekend on the beach of Corona Del Mar in Newport Beach.  This was not Roger’s first wedding on that particular beach.  In fact he has done over a dozen weddings on that very same beach.  But this wedding stood out over all the others……… all because of a sign…………

People always talk about “receiving a sign” when it comes to those major decisions in life.  And some people will even “stretch” a particular sign to fit their decision.  Very seldom does that “sign” absolutely, 100% give you an answer for what you were looking for……..  Well, this last Saturday, that sign happened for Chris & Liz.  First of all, Chris & Liz are deeply in love and perfect for each other.  Roger knew that about them from the first time he met them.  He knew that this was going to be a special wedding and he really wanted to make it one of a kind…..  What Roger didn’t know was that Mother Nature was already going to do that for him……..….   Chris & Liz had chosen to have a morning wedding at 9:30am this last Saturday.  Roger told them he would get there extra early to help direct everyone to the ceremony area.  When he got down to the beach, everything was all set up and ready to go.  They also had set up a table with a flower vase.  Roger then noticed there was also a single red rose sitting on the table along with a piece of dried seaweed.  Roger didn’t give it any thought and just assumed that it was decorations for the table…….  Well, a few minutes later, Chris the groom come’s up to Roger and tells him he wanted to show him something.  It turns out that Chris and his two brothers had gone down to the beach very early in that morning to set up their area and get things ready for the ceremony.  And right where they had decided to hold the ceremony, were two items floating in the beach wash……. One was a single red rose, a little worse for wear, but none the less, a red rose.  Now if that wasn’t enough of a sign, floating right next to that rose was a piece of dried seaweed…….in the shape of a heart !  There are no two items that represent love more that a red rose and a heart……and both of them were there, right where they chose to have the wedding ceremony.  Chris then asked if it would be at all possible for Roger to share this with their guests, this amazing sign……  Roger said “absolutely, everyone needs to know this” !!  Roger immediately made that his opening words for the ceremony.  It was one of the most emotional openings he has ever done and there was not a dry eye among the 50 or so guests there.  Roger, the couple Chris & Liz and their guests will always remember that the lucky ones receive a sign.roger-chris-liz1 2roger-chris-liz1 3roger-chris-liz1

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