Fun and Romantic Weddings

A Loving Couple and their beloved dog Rango……….

rogermikeangelica1Roger had the honor of marrying Mike and Angelica this last weekend.  During the planning session for their wedding ceremony, they mentioned their dog Rango who is a MAJOR part of their life together.  Roger asked them if Rango was attending the wedding and they had considered it but had not done anything about it…… Well, Roger being a giant dog love, said they had to have him there, he was family !!  So they got permission from the venue, the beautiful Malibu West Beach Club and Rango became the official ring bearer !  So all was going along smoothly……. everybody had made their way down the aisle (including Rango – “Good boy”!)…….. the ceremony was running along with lots of heart felt moments, lots of laughter… until the exchanging of the rings… which were tied to Rango’s collar…..  Not a problem, but fearing that somehow the rings might come untied, they triple tied them to make sure they were not coming off…..and that is exactly what happened !! Everything came to a sudden stop in the ceremony while the best man, (Mike’s identical twin brother) wrangled with the multiple knots trying to get the rings.  All the while, the star of the wedding, Rango, sat there patiently while they retrieved the rings !  Rango was the star of the day !

Mike and Angelica were so happy that they wrote to Roger the very next day !!


First of all, thank you so much for the wonderful ceremony!!   People kept asking us where we found you, and we’re so glad we did. It was exactly what we were looking for. 

We never got the opportunity to thank you, however. We would really like to make that a priority, so please let us know what would be the best way to do that. And we’d be so happy to give you an amazing review!

Thank you SO much again. You made this such a memorable day for us! It was perfect.

Angelica and Mikerogermikeangelica

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