Fun and Romantic Weddings

“I Do” at Pelican Hill

The blushing bride makes the journey down the aisle. Bel-Air Beach Club

If most of the guests are traveling from China, then there’s no need for a weekend wedding. So Wanbing Zhao and Liwei Deng engaged the fabulous Pelican Hill Resort as the venue for their wedding on Tuesday June 11.  Through Great Officiants of Long Beach they secured the ministerial services of Rev. Dr. Gary Barmore, who assured this bilingual couple that even the guests that spoke no English would clearly get the gist of the ceremony. After Dr Barmore asked the question of promise, both groom and bride responded “I Do” — followed by personal statements of loving commitment to each other in Mandarin.  Wedding planner Tammy Su and her staff facilitated every aspect of this beautiful celebration of family tradition and abiding love.  

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