Fun and Romantic Weddings

Hilton San Gabriel Christian Wedding

San Gabriel Christian wedding

Who would have thought that one of the most beautiful places for a wedding would be on top of a Hilton Hotel on Valley Blvd in San Gabriel?

 But Andy Kim and Sunhee Lee discovered this venue, and with family and friends enjoyed a wonderful day of celebrating love and marriage.  Through Great Officiants of Long Beach the couple connected with Rev Dr Gary Barmore who led a ceremony just perfect for them.  

However, when Andy and Sunhee mounted the gazebo platform, Rev Gary noticed a look of rather grave concern on their faces as they spoke softly in Korean.  He wondered if something might be hindering their plans of commitment and bliss.  Oh my!   Then Andy explained with a whisper that they had left the ring box in their hotel room.  (The attached photo shows the moment when Andy asked a friend to hasten and fetch the wedding bands.)  When it was time for the exchange of vows and rings the box had not yet arrived, so Rev Gary walked down to where the couple’s parents were sitting, asked them to stand, and for the couple to bring them hugs and words of appreciation for the heritage which they were taking into the creation of their own family.  

There was clapping and celebration all around, and the beautiful ceremony proceeded as planned.

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