Fun and Romantic Weddings
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Father Geoff and Rabbi Barry Co-Officiate a Wedding at the Bel Air Bay Club

There is nothing touchier than a Co-officiated wedding with a Priest and Rabbi.  Alan Katz has a crew of officiants who work seamlessly together.  As was the case for Shai and Marissa.  Paring Rabbi Barry Tuchman and Fr. Geoff Farrow was a gift from Heaven.  Married on August 25th at the Bel Air Bay Club, under perfect conditions, there was not one glitch to the ceremony.  Having worked with Fr. Geoff several times in the past, I have found him to be warm, compassionate and rich with knowledge and feeling.  I on the other hand provided the joyful and funny parts of the nuptials.  Of course, the Jewish traditions were explained with care for those who were not familiar to the traditions.  It was as if Fr. Geoff and I were members of a band playing our unique parts.  Rock on….
Rabbi  Barry

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