Fun and Romantic Weddings

Clear Skies Ahead at Lake Oak Meadows

On Sunday, September 29th at 5pm Maria Chaveli Garcia and Errol Rice declared themselves to be a family before their families, friends and God.  Their wedding, which took place at Lake Oak Meadows was celebrated by Father Jacob Munhoz.

After what threatened to be a rainy rehearsal the day before, the day of the wedding provided a clear blue sky, a cool breeze, and a perfect temperature for a late September wedding.  Maria and Errol gathered family and friends from all over to witness their marriage.  The couple chose a shorter ceremony but also wanted to include the traditional Catholic elements of the exchange of arras (coins) which symbolize the material commitment they are making to care for one another for the rest of their lives, the lazo which symbolizes the unbreakable bond they are forming through their vows, and the veil which symbolizes purity and God’s loving protection over their household.  They wrote their own beautiful vows and also included the vows of the Church.  

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