Fun and Romantic Weddings

1920s Circus Themed Wedding Ceremony was off the hook!

SJP_3684One of the top 5 wedding in my career was this wedding from Friday the 13 this June night of the full moon. And like the moon I rose to the occasion and did a performance of a lifetime. I told this couple that no other Wedding Officiant could do this wedding justice and I did not let them down. The Wedding took place on The Loft on Pine a new venue that has a ton of character. The pictures here were skillfully taken by Sherry Fuller of and here is her blog of the wedding. The wedding Planner was my friend  Julia Kadish of Small Wonders took this idea and ran with it to amazing results.

circusI designed the sound and ceremony and the wardrobe I wore. I created a spotify setlist of music from the 1920s concluding with the Song Minnie the Moocher for which I tantalized the guest and had them join in with the  “Heidi Heidi Heidi hos” The ceremony was a fun filled event that evoked both laughter and tears from the couple and guests. We brought up their 3 daughters to be presented with necklaces and had a dedication of the family.

fortune tellerThey had magicians, fortune tellers, period posters and cutouts to amuse the guests and they did.

here is a link to some short video clips of the event.

Check out these pictures below.

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