Fun and Romantic Weddings

Wine Box & Love Letter Ceremony


wine box and love letter

It is a great way to create a time capsule with letters and wine

“We had an amazing wedding and enjoyed every moment of the ceremony we had the  wine box with love letters”   Source: Carolina Rodriguez.- GOOGLE Reviews

Officiant: _____ and _____ have chosen as a couple to perform a Love Letter & Wine Box ceremony.

This box contains a bottle of wine, two glasses, and a love letter from each to the other. The letters describe the good qualities they find in one another, the reasons they fell in love, and their reasons for choosing to marry. The letters are sealed in individual envelopes and they have not seen what the other has written. You have created your very own “romantic” time capsule to be opened on your 1st wedding anniversary. On your 1st anniversary, open the box, read the love letters, pop open the bottle of wine, and celebrate! Then, write each other a new love letter, get a new bottle of wine, and repeat every year.


I recommend that you keep the box in a place of honor prominently displayed in your home as a constant reminder of your commitment to each other.

Officiant: _____ and _____ should you ever find your marriage enduring insurmountable hardships, you are to as a couple, open this box, sit and drink the wine together, then separate and read the letters you wrote to one another when you were united as a couple in marriage. By reading these love letters you will reflect upon the reasons you fell in love and chose to marry each other here today.

The hope is, however, that you will never have a reason to open this box. And if this is the case, you are to open this box to share and enjoy on your 1st wedding anniversary!

Officiant: _____ and _____, you may now seal the box.

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