Fun and Romantic Weddings

Earth Blending Ceremony

earth blending ceremony

A very cool and earthy ceremony

A Blending Ceremony of family and friends.

“it was such a beautiful ceremony ? thank you for everything definitely will recommend”                                                                  

Source: Wendy Resendiz- GOOGLE Reviews

Option 1

Have 2 cups of earth on the table and blend them together

Option 2

Instruct each guest to go to the bucket filled with earth that they can take a scoop ouf of and make a wish upon it 

Have them pour that in to a separate bucket for to be used during the ceremony

Then the couple will have your own pot of earth form your home or birth blace. 

Bring a potted plant with plenty of room for the earth to be added

During the Ceremony 

During the ceremony we will blend the earth from your guests and your individual earths together.

You will then will add water.

This will symbolize the air, earth sun and water.

The plant will grow in dirt nourished by the love from the family and friends.

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