Fun and Romantic Weddings

Blake teared up as he expressed his love for Christi

Christy Lim and Blake Barnes were married November 29 in the hospitable environs of the Paracel Restaurant in Westminster.  Through Great Officiants of Long Beach the couple secured the ministry of Rev Dr Gary Barmore, and when they met with him at his Costa Mesa home they discussed the marriage relationship and planned the ceremony.  Blake and Christy joyfully yet calmly rehearsed the vows and other elements of the big day’s main event.   So it was a bit unexpected that when during the actual ceremony — after Rev Gary said to the guests that “words can never express the hearts of these two, but that they had composed, each in their own way, words that will do a pretty good job this day and forever” —  Blake teared up as he expressed his love for Christi, and after composing himself, again broke into tears.  Eventually he expressed all he wished to say to his beloved, and the good Reverend commented to everyone’s affirmation that Christi was the envy of all the women …  to be marrying a sturdy and studious man who was also deep with feelings of affection, appreciation and awe  … and not ashamed to let it show!

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