John & Edgar
Octavio performed an incredible ceremony on November 29, 2013 for John and Edgar.
This was one of my fully bilingual scripts where I address one person in English and the other in Spanish switching back and forth through the entire ceremony. John was very involved with me in designing the ceremony and had a great idea. Because they are a same sex couple who have been through many obstacles he really wanted me to read an excerpt from the Judge Vaughn Walker ruling which was the first judge to overturn proposition 8.
We added that to the beginning of the ceremony as well as some jokes throughout to make the guests laugh. This ceremony was a major hit! Switching from English to Spanish always gets great reactions from the guests but by adding details, John made it 10 times more special.
The ceremony was held at John’s sister’s house with all the friends and family in the beautiful backyard. I had the opportunity to talk to John’s mom and some family members before the ceremony. Wonderful people!!!
John and Edgar are very lucky to have each other and to have all the love and support from the extraordinary family and friends, some who came from very far away just for their wedding.
Congratulations on your wedding John and Edgar!
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