Fun and Romantic Weddings

A aloha weekend was celebrated by Sophia and Tracy in Riverside California.

lisasophiaandtracyA aloha weekend was celebrated by Sophia and Tracy in Riverside California. Great Officiant Lisa Smith had the honor of performing the nuptials for this lovely couple they’re both in United States Army and have been on three tours of duty each they’ll be moving to Hawaii very soon so it was quite appropriate to have a beautiful Hawaiian style wedding. We opened the ceremony with the traditional sounding of the conch shell. This symbolizes to all that a very important ceremony is about to start.  Sophia arrived in a beautiful 57 Chevy driven by her father. They parked curbside and Sophia was escorted by her father and given away to her anxiously awaiting Groom in his full dress Army uniform. We were all happy and relived to see the sun come out for the most beautiful afternoon. We had a Lei exchange along with a Sand Ceremony we had the perfect Vows, I Do’s and ring exchange and as I pronounced them husband and wife the neighborhood ice cream man decided to drive by in all his glory blasting ice cream music !  The timing was perfect.  All the guest were socializing at the Tiki Social to be followed by dinner and entertainment a flame eater fire dancer and Hula girls were on the way to get the party started Best Wishes and Aloha to Tracy And Sophia  lisasophianadtracy8 lisasophianadtracy2
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