Roger married a really hip & cool couple, Greg and Riley this last Saturday at the Mandalay Beach Resort in Oxnard. And all the guests were hip & cool as well, so Roger really had to step up his “ hip & cool” game ! It must have worked because the ceremony was a blast ! Roger received lots of compliments from not only the wedding guests, but also the bride & groom !
Here’s a note they sent Roger:
"Thank you so much! You were our favorite part of the whole wedding! You did an amazing job we both loved you along with all our guests! Thank you for everything Roger! Were on our honeymoon woohoo!!!
Riley & Greg"
"We would just like to say thank you for sending us Roger to officiate the wedding for our daughter and new son-inlaw Greg and Riley Cline on 2/14/15! Rodger was excellent! All the wedding guests raved about the service and said he was the best ever!
Thanks Again.
Dan and Denise Bennett"
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