Fun and Romantic Weddings

Themed Weddings – Cosplay

themed wedding, cosplay themed weddings

From $675

Tired of the Same Old Boring Wedding Ceremonies??? Customize a Fun and Unique Themed or Cosplay Ceremony!

“We wanted a ceremony that was funny, sweet, and could hold the crowds attention, Alan delivered all that and beyond.” Source: Shanise J.- The KNOT Reviews

Each Themed Ceremony is custom-designed to fit your occasion. You and your officiant can make a ceremony that will be fun, entertaining, exciting and will provide you with a ceremony that you and your guests will never forget.

Choose from any of these themes or invent your own Special one! The Cosplay experts are excited to provide you with the ceremony of your dreams

Steampunk Wedding, Star Wars Jedi Wedding, Dr. Who, Princess Bride, Elvis Wedding, Borat Wedding, OZZY Wedding, Father Guido, Renaissance – Pirate Wedding, Country Style Wedding, Superman Wedding, Harry Potter Wedding, Medieval / Renaissance / Princess Bride Wedding,Marilyn Monroe Wedding, Hillbilly Wedding, Circus Wedding and more

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