Fun and Romantic Weddings

Changing your Name on the Marriage License

namechange, changing name on marriage license

How to change your name on your Marriage License

If you want to change your name to a new married name after your wedding it is very simple to do so. Just follow the directions below.

 Here are the rules put together by the State and County to create a new name on your MARRIAGE LICENSE


You DO NOT have to change your name if you don’t want to.

If you want to change your name the information below will give you the options that the County Clerk allows:

  1. One or both parties to a marriage may elect to change the MIDDLE or LAST NAMES by which that party wishes to be known after the wedding.
  2. Changing one’s name through the marriage license process can ONLY be done at the time the marriage license is issued by the County Clerk or authorized Notary Public. You may not ammend it afterwards so make sure you choose your new name wisely.
  3. Note you may NOT change your FIRST NAME with this process only your MIDDLE AND LAST NAMES

Each party to the marriage may adopt any of the following LAST NAMES:

  1. The current last name of the other spouse.
  2. The last name of either spouse given at birth.
  3. A name combining into a single last name all or a segment of the current last name or the last name of either spouse given at birth.
  4. A hyphenated combination of last names.

Each party to the marriage may adopt any of the following MIDDLE NAMES:

  1. The current last name of either spouse.
  2. The last name of either spouse given at birth.
  3. A hyphenated combination of the current middle name and the current last name of the person or spouse.
  4. A hyphenated combination of the current middle name and the birth last name of the person or spouse.

The marriage certificate is used by multiple local, state, federal and private agencies, each of which have different rules and/or regulations regarding what documents are acceptable to change your name on their records following marriage. It is recommended that you contact these agencies to verify their requirements prior to applying for your marriage license.

It is unlawful for our employees to answer questions of a legal nature. Our staff cannot advise you how to complete the marriage license application as it relates to your entry of a new name or retention of your former name on the marriage license application. For your protection, if you have any questions regarding whether you should or should not list your new name on the marriage license application, and/or how the Name Equality Act of 2007 may affect you, please consult an attorney prior to applying for your marriage license.

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