Fun and Romantic Weddings

Rev. George has a sunset wedding at El Matador State Beach in Malibu

Robert and Lluvia got married at El Matador State Beach in Malibu California at Sunset. It was low tide so we had plenty of spots to pick from. The bride wore blue and part way down the trail opted for sandals instead of high heels. Robert went back up the hill to get them. Lluvia's mom and uncle were there along with her cousin. The bride was beautiful and the groom was handsome it was obvious they were in love. El Matador is below the bluffs so we had a hike down to the beach.  We were careful going slowly and watching our footing on the way down. The views of the beach and the ocean were spectacular, only to be outdone by the bride and the groom. Parking is at a premium and I met the groom at the parking kiosk. I knew it was him by the black shoes, black pants, and white shirt, not your normal beach attire. I said are you Robert he said yes and I said I am Rev George. It was a great time and everyone was relaxed and when I said you may now kiss your bride, well Robert took me seriously.REVGEORGEBLOG2

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