Roger officiated a beautiful wedding for Haoming & Jennifer at the La Venta Inn in Palos Verdes this last Saturday and although it was very overcast, everybody believed that we wouldn’t get rain for this outside wedding because seriously……rain in July during a 14 year drought? No way !
Well in the middle of this amazing, touching wedding, just as they were reciting their vows to each other, down came the rain….hard…. Everybody froze. The bride and groom turned to Roger with the look, should we stop? Roger looked right back at them and whispered, “heck no!” So the bride, groom, Roger and the entire wedding party and guests stayed right there in the rain and not two minutes later, it stopped and the sun came out.
It was a one of a kind wedding and the bride & groom were so thankful that Roger made the call to continue….. like Roger just knew that it would stop raining and all would be okay!!!
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