Jewish Style From $499
Rabbi/Cantor From $1250
Shalom! Want a Jewish Wedding Ceremony?
Check out the team of Rabbis, Cantors and More!!!
If you don’t belong to a Temple, no problem!!! The Rabbis and Cantor Perform Great Jewish Wedding Ceremonies. When you choose one of the Rabbis or Cantors their fees are from $1250. or you can also have one of our Non-Denominational Officiants do a Jewish Style Ceremony for you. From $499 to $675 depending on the customization.
“my husband and I had the wedding we dreamed about”
Source: Ashley P.- YELP Reviews
They can design a ceremony with you that brings all the love and tradition you desire.
Blessing Of the Wine
I Do’s
Ring Exchange
7 Jewish blessings
Silent Prayer
Crushing of the Glass
And More
Check out our team of Jewish Rabbis and Cantors Here
You can work with the Rabbis and create a Great Wedding.