Fun and Romantic Weddings

MadLib Vows for a Wedding Ceremony. Hilarious!!! You must try!!

I have designed some MadLib style Wedding Vows that I am going to premire this weekend in my wedding in Temecula.

Try them it is so fun.

I, GROOM take you BRIDE to be my wife,

my NOUN __________________ in life and my

NUMBER __________________ true love NOUN __________________.

I will cherish our NOUN __________________ and love you today, tomorrow, and TIME FRAME__________________.

I will VERB__________________ you and honor you

I will laugh with PERSON IN THE ROOM__________________ and cry with ANOTHER PERSON IN THE ROOM__________________.

Through the best and the ADJECTIVE__________________,

Through the difficult and the ADJECTIVE__________________.

Whatever may come PERSON IN THE ROOM__________________ will always be there.

As I have given you my NOUN__________________ to hold

So I give you my NOUN__________________ to keep


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