Fun and Romantic Weddings


Great Officiants


for our Wedding Ceremonies:

During these times of Covid receiding, safety is still the most important issue.

We take our safety and the safety of you and your friends and family seriously during these times and follow the required guidelines set forth by the CDC and State orders.

All of our Officiants have been fully vaxed.

If getting Married at a Venue their requirements are what is to be followed.

On Location

(venues, homes etc)

It is YOUR responsibility to communicate your current mask requirements to your guests.

Check on what the current CDC, local and state authorities recommend reguarding masks and safety.


Indoor Chapel and Outdoor Tropical Terrace:

Masks are highly recommended but not required.

Marriage License Issuing:

We ask that the Couple BE MASKED AT ALL TIMES during the licensing process


If at any time the Officiant feels that they are in an unsafe environment, they have been instructed to stop the ceremony process and try to resolve any safety issues or leave the location if unsafe.

We understand that no one really wants to wear a mask and that you might not want masks in your pictures but safety is the key!

We thank you for your very kind understanding and for helping us follow these guidelines to keep everyone safe.

If you have any questions let us know. This will be updated as conditions change.

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