Fun and Romantic Weddings

A change in the wedding vows…………

afsghfadhThis last Saturday at the Women’s Twentieth Century Club in Los Angeles, Karla and Diego got married…………  They knew that the wedding was going to be fantastic because the had picked the perfect venue to get married….. Beautiful grounds and an amazing wedding venue that is listed with the National Register of Historic Places….  They also had chosen an amazing wedding coordinator, Susan Dunne of “Weddings By Susan Dunne”.  And the topping on the wedding cake………they had Roger who never fails to bring both heart and humor to the wedding ceremony………….Everything was perfect and going to plan……..until one little teeny tiny slip in the wedding vows changed the whole ceremony and caused much laughter from the guests…….

You see, Karla & Diego had decided they wanted to read their own vows along with the traditional vows that you recite.  Diego went first and had a beautiful reading.  Karla went after him and her vows were perfect….. right up the part where she meant to read…. “I will take you as the husband I love”….. but ended up saying  “I will make you the husband I love” !!  Needless to say, this little mistake in her vows was cause for much laughter and Roger had to get them back on track to finish the ceremony.  It was the perfect change in the vows !!ahdfhsdhggf asghafdhf FASDGASDGAS

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