When Sal and Nunzia first made their appointment, I had no idea that they were both blind. They took public transportation from their home in Gardena to get here.
We sat down in my office and discussed what they wanted in the ceremony and brought them over to the chapel so that they could get a sense of what the chapel felt like. They booked their wedding for this past Saturday.
When I walked them back to the train the groom asked me, “Do you still say if there is any one here who has just cause…?” To which I replied, “Well this is what I will say for you… If there is any one here who has just cause that this couple should not be united, there’s the door… Go on, they won’t see you leave!” Where upon they both busted into laughter, and we used it in the ceremony.
During the ceremony I talked about a person’s senses; that when a person loses one sense, the other’s becomes heightened. In their case, the sense of “love” was heightened the most. Everyone seemed to enjoy the ceremony, as I could see the smile on their faces, Sal’s smile being the biggest of all. While it was a bit challenging to do a ceremony where sight is mentioned so often, we were able to allow them to see into each other soul, and know that their future is bright. We wish them great adventures together.
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