Fun and Romantic Weddings

Officiant Roger Saves the Day!

Roger officiated Telien and Andrew’s wedding this last weekend at the gorgeous San Gabriel Hilton rooftop!  It was a beautiful afternoon and the ceremony was going along splendidly until when Roger got to the mothers rose presentation… As he started the presentation, the bride and groom looked at him and whispered, “Oh no, we forgot the roses” (the plan was suppose to be two family members bringing the roses up to them….but it never happened)!

Well, Roger, on the spot, changed direction and made it a mothers kiss presentation and improvised the entire thing while they went out to each of their mothers and gave them a “kiss”.  Not one person knew the difference except for Roger, the bride and groom……and the two panicked family members that didn’t get the roses!  The presentation went off flawless and they loved the ceremony!

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